Having a new baby is exciting, but it can also be overwhelming. Some advice might not be welcomed, but for those you know and trust, their advice can be a lifesaver. Plus, there’s just something about being able to pass down those little pieces of wisdom to new parents that makes your friends feel good.
Whether you’re expecting or already a new parent, when it comes to the best advice for new parents, we’ve got you covered. We asked our Tinyhood community what their best advice for new parents was, and, well, they delivered! Read on for the best advice for new parents, from parents who have been there before.
- Prepare your house. Get all the baby gear put together and set up, bottles and pump parts washed, and learn how to use them. You’ll be tired and overwhelmed when you come home and it will take the pressure off learning to use those items before the baby arrives.
- Accept all the help you can get. Don’t be too proud to accept those meals, runs to the store, coffee drop-offs, or whatever else your friends and family offer at the time.
- Don’t try to take in ALL the advice. There are those in your close circle that will be there to answer questions or offer valued advice when you need it. Then there are those who will offer advice whether you need it or not. Don’t feel pressured to apply everything you hear.
- Don't be afraid to ask questions. Specifically, before you leave the hospital, or when you visit the pediatrician. That’s what they are there for!
- Try and take even just a few minutes to connect with your partner. Remember, you're in this together. Even if it doesn’t always seem like it, or if there are arguments the people you were before the baby came, are still there. They are just tired.
- Rest IS productive. You are a more functioning version of yourself with rest. Don’t feel like you can’t take that time to take care of yourself.
- Be patient. Baby is learning just like you are. You will both figure it out together.
- Every time someone visits or asks what they can drop off say, “food.” It will take a daily “task” off your plate for a while and ensure you and your family are eating properly.
- Fill your freezer with premade meals.
- Keep your expectations low. And enjoy all the snuggles
- Remember everything is temporary. You will get through this stage even if
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help with breastfeeding or switch to formula if needed (or take a class!).
- Trust Yourself. You know your child best and what works for you and your child.
- Have fun and enjoy being new parents!
- Above all else, remember you are doing your best. Give yourself grace — you’ve got this!
While this may be our best advice for new parents our Expecting Bundle covers all this and so much more to prepare you for the baby’s arrival. Our Expecting Bundle covers, you guessed it, everything you need to know about labor, birth, postpartum recovery, and taking care of your new baby. Labor and Delivery nurse, Ashley Derderian Sousa, leads both our on-demand Childbirth 101: From Labor through Postpartum class, and our Baby 101: The Parenting Prerequisite class to teach baby care and safety tips, what to expect towards the end of pregnancy, how to know you’re going into labor, pain management techniques and more.