What is “combo feeding?”
Combo or combination feeding is kind of what it sounds like. It means you are feeding your baby a combination of breastmilk and formula. As for what this combination looks like, keep reading because there are several options!
Is there a best or right way to introduce formula to a breastfed baby?
Like most things in parenting, there’s no one “right way” to introduce formula. Some parents have the luxury of a large “stash” of pumped breastmilk and choose to delay formula introduction or introduce it more slowly. Others find they are not able to build a stash and introduce formula more quickly to keep up with their baby’s appetite.
What are the ways to introduce formula and combo feed?
You have a few different safe options to consider when introducing formula. Which one you choose may have to do with logistics or simply your personality and whether you prefer to make changes slowly or all at once!
OPTION 1: Jump right in!
It’s okay to start offering your baby whole bottles of formula, even if they have been exclusively breastfed until this point.
You can choose which time of day you offer whole bottles of formula (many parents choose to breastfeed in the morning & at night and do formula during the day, for example) or you can alternate feeds between formula and breastmilk.
OPTION 2: Take it slow.
Add formula to your baby’s diet as you feel comfortable and increase the formula-to-breastmilk ratio as you want or need.
You can offer your baby a bottle of expressed milk, followed by a bottle of formula at a single feeding. For example, you may give baby a 2-ounce bottle of breastmilk followed by a 3-ounce formula bottle.
You can combine breastmilk and formula into the same bottle (just remember that this method can lead to some wasted breastmilk if baby doesn’t take the whole bottle).
If you are combining the two, the percentage of each is totally up to you. You can combine them 50/50 or 75/25. The only thing to keep in mind is that if you are using powdered or concentrated formula, you need to measure and mix the formula first using water, then top it off with breastmilk. Do not treat breastmilk like water for the formula.
Feel free to try whatever of these options feel right for you, but know that you may need to adjust your strategy based on your baby’s reaction and temperament. Some babies will happily guzzle down a whole bottle of formula right from the start and others need to be more gradually introduced to it.
And remember, if you ever have concerns about your baby’s behavior or their bowel movements following an introduction to formula, reach out to your pediatrician.