*New Sessions* Sensory Play Labs Messy Baby/Toddler-Pre-K at Wellesley


  1. Sensory Play Labs has new sessions now enrolling for Wellesley & Boston! Classing filling fast for Winter/Spring, Spring and Spring/Summer.

    Let your little mess maker scoop, squish, dump, splash, mash, taste and explore in all the ways they love, it’s called messy play and it gives their growth and development a huge boost! (Learn more about the science at SensoryPlayLabs.com.)

    Join us for classes each week as we explore colorful, sense-stimulating and curiosity inspiring “messy” activities. Your little one will love diving into all of the many Sensory Stations, driving cars along our Messy Truck Tracks and splashing and squirting in colorful Water Play Stations. That’s just the start. Later your kiddo is given sensory bins and activities made just for them, full of exciting materials, tools, animals, trucks and other sensory play add-ons.

    Whether your child is brand new to messy play, a sensory seeker or is cautious around new things, they will love classes! By joining a session your child will become familiar with the excitement of it all and get to know the flow of class. Drop-in spots will become available as well.

    Classes range from 4 months-5 years.
    Infant ages are baby friendly and safe to put in their mouths (and tummies. Edible materials!)
    Flexible infant signups.
    If for any reason you’re not able to continue the session, a full refund is given for all unattended classes. Feel comfortable to try something new!

    Schedules and more information at SensoryPlayLabs.com
    Follow @sensoryplaylabs