This group is no longer accepting new members


The Weston Community Children’s Association (WCCA) was founded in 1981 as a volunteer organization dedicated to fostering friendships and connections among families with young children in Weston, Massachusetts.

Since that time, the WCCA has grown and thrived, thanks to the enthusiastic participation of our members. Each year, a Board of Directors is selected to oversee a variety of activities for the WCCA’s 250+ member families, including: children’s programs; charitable and community outreach; educational forums; and adult social events. Our programs run from September through June, though we welcome new members at anytime during the year.

Every child in the WCCA falls into a specific Age Group based on his or her birth date, with the age range following the school cut-off dates (September 1-August 31) rather than the calendar year. Age Groups consist of newborns through early elementary aged children. Each Age Group has two Age Group Heads who plan a number of activities for children and their caregivers to enjoy throughout the year. We have a Dual Career Group, with events scheduled to accommodate dual career schedules. We also collaborate with the Weston Dad’s Group to plan activities for Weston dads and their families.

Whether you are new to Weston, or are looking for a way to build lasting family friendships, the WCCA provides the opportunity to make new friends, connect with other families, and become more involved in the community.
To become a member, please complete the registration and payment process at https://wccaweston.org
You will then receive an email confirming your membership. Annual membership dues are $100 per family, and we do offer a membership dues assistance program for those in need (all inquiries are kept confidential). As a volunteer-run organization, we welcome the involvement of our members. Once you become a member, there are many opportunities to participate, and we encourage members to join one of our many committees.

If you would like more information about the WCCA or would like someone to contact you, please feel free to email us directly at wccacontact@gmail.com, and someone from the WCCA Board will be in touch with you shortly. You can also find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/westoncommunitychildrensassociation, where post information on upcoming events.

We look forward to welcoming you to the WCCA and getting to know you and your family!