Who: MOMS Club of Berkeley Heights, New Providence, Chatham and Summit, our local chapter of the international volunteer-run social group.
What: We average between 60-70 members. Every month we issue a Newsletter with up-to-date information on how to connect with the community and other members. Most members have at least one child under the age of 6 years old. We have an app/website that provides members with real-time calendar updates and discussion boards as well as a private Facebook group for supplemental usage.
Where: We meet at member's homes, cafes, libraries parks and more.
When: The club is based on the idea that stay-at-home or part-time working Moms need support in this adventure. As a result nearly all of our activities are during the weekday and children are invited. The only exceptions are MOMS Night out (once monthly) and an occasional weekend event.
Why: Mothers of young children need a place to connect. To find other Moms with the same age children to bounce ideas off of, to enjoy Motherhood together! They need a place to help their community feel like home. MOMS Club is that place.
What does it take to be a member?
To be a member you must reside in one of the towns in our territory and either be expecting or have a young child.
There are annual dues of $35 ($36.96 via Tinyhood and a small commitment to 'host' 2 events per year.
To 'host' may just mean promising to attend a library story time or it may mean opening up your home for an afternoon craft. Every member has a different level of comfort in hosting and it can be whatever each member is comfortable with, as long as they are participating! :)
Playgroups: Grouped by school year we have active playgroups from 0-6
Recipe Club
Service Projects : Giving back to the community
Book Club
Seasonal Parties