Welcome to Concord Family Network! CFN is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, volunteer-run group of local parents, based in Concord, Massachusetts working to connect, engage, and build community for local families with young children (birth-6 years). CFN organizes many opportunities for member parents and their families to socialize and have fun in a safe environment.
The primary benefit of being a member of the Concord Family Network is joining and supporting a group of local parents who, just like you, seek enjoyable activities for their children and want to meet other local families. Members connect with each other in three ways:
1. Online via our Tinyhood Forum. CFN uses Tinyhood as our online forum for announcing events and compiling RSVPS. In addition, members use the forum for advice and recommendations, to share local news/happenings, to sell or buy used items on Marketplace, and to learn more about local resources. Members can also join subgroups based on their children's ages; subgroups are more intimate and members can ask age related questions or arrange playground meetups.
2. Attending Events & Activities. Each gathering is an opportunity to make new acquaintances. Activities are open to all CFN members and are ideal for getting to know other local parents and kids. Events during the pandemic have included Trail Explorers Program, Guided Nature Walks, Holiday Family Scavenger Hunts in Downtown Concord and in West Concord, Art in the Park, Make and Take Art, Community Outreach Projects, outdoor Moms’ socials, virtual Moms’ and virtual Dads’ Nights, New to Town and “Feeling New” socials (outdoors and via Zoom), and speaker events on topics related to parenting, estate planning, children's health, and women’s health. Post pandemic, CFN will return to normal programing of in-person holiday events and other gatherings.
3. Working Together on Event Planning. CFN is a volunteer-run organization whose success depends upon the collective efforts of our membership. Our CFN Board, Committee Chairs, and Committee members meet monthly and plan creative and fun events for our organization. We welcome and encourage members to join in on the planning and be a part of an awesome community. Nothing compares to seeing your children and other families enjoy an event or an activity that you helped organize!
The cost of a family membership to Concord Family Network is $40/year. Registration and payment are completed through Tinyhood. (Note: If you select cash/check, please email our Treasurer, Ashley Healy at ashley.c.healy@gmail.com for further details). Once payment is received and confirmed by our treasurer, you will have access to our Tinyhood forum and our Event Calendar.